List of products

Name / Details Version Data source Time Statistics Area
TET - Emitted thermal radiative flux at top of atmosphere TOA Radiation from MVIRI/SEVIRI ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean diurnal-cycle METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
TRS - Reflected solar radiative flux at top of atmosphere TOA Radiation from GERB/SEVIRI ed. 2.0 SEVIRI on MSG Monthly Mean METEOSAT disk (70S-70N, 70W-70E)
TRS - Reflected solar radiative flux at top of atmosphere TOA Radiation from GERB/SEVIRI ed. 2.0 SEVIRI on MSG Monthly Mean diurnal-cycle METEOSAT disk (70S-70N, 70W-70E)
TRS - Reflected solar radiative flux at top of atmosphere TOA Radiation from MVIRI/SEVIRI ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
TRS - Reflected solar radiative flux at top of atmosphere TOA Radiation from MVIRI/SEVIRI ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean diurnal-cycle METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
BTR - Brightness Temperature Record FCDR MWI ed. 4.0 SSM/I on DMSP-F08 Instantaneous (none) Global
BTR - Brightness Temperature Record FCDR MWI ed. 4.0 SSM/I on DMSP-F10 Instantaneous (none) Global
BTR - Brightness Temperature Record FCDR MWI ed. 4.0 SSM/I on DMSP-F11 Instantaneous (none) Global
BTR - Brightness Temperature Record FCDR MWI ed. 4.0 SSM/I on DMSP-F13 Instantaneous (none) Global
BTR - Brightness Temperature Record FCDR MWI ed. 4.0 SSM/I on DMSP-F14 Instantaneous (none) Global
BTR - Brightness Temperature Record FCDR MWI ed. 4.0 SSM/I on DMSP-F15 Instantaneous (none) Global
BTR - Brightness Temperature Record FCDR MWI ed. 4.0 SSMIS on DMSP-F16 Instantaneous (none) Global
BTR - Brightness Temperature Record FCDR MWI ed. 4.0 SSMIS on DMSP-F17 Instantaneous (none) Global
BTR - Brightness Temperature Record FCDR MWI ed. 4.0 SSMIS on DMSP-F18 Instantaneous (none) Global
BTR - Brightness Temperature Record FCDR MWI ed. 4.0 SMMR on Nimbus-7 Instantaneous (none) Global
CAL - Effective cloud albedo SARAH ed. 3.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Instantaneous (none) METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
CMA - Cloud mask CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Instantaneous (none) Global
CMA - Cloud mask CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-B Instantaneous (none) Global
CMA - Cloud mask CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-C Instantaneous (none) Global
CMA - Cloud mask CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on NOAA-06 Instantaneous (none) Global
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