List of products

Name / Details Version Data source Time Statistics Area
JCH - Joint cloud property histograms CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-B Monthly Histogram Global
LWP - Liquid water path CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-B Monthly Mean Global
CFC - Fractional cloud cover CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Monthly Mean Global
CMA - Cloud mask CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Instantaneous (none) Global
CPH - Cloud phase CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Monthly Mean Global
CPH - Cloud phase CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Instantaneous (none) Global
CTO - Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Instantaneous (none) Global
CTO - Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Monthly Mean Global
CWP - Cloud water path CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Instantaneous (none) Global
IWP - Ice water path CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Monthly Mean Global
JCH - Joint cloud property histograms CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Monthly Histogram Global
LWP - Liquid water path CLARA-A ed. 3.0 AVHRR on METOP-A Monthly Mean Global
HLW - Water vapour, temperature and rel. humidity at 5 layers CDR v001 ATOVS Monthly Mean Global
HLW - Water vapour, temperature and rel. humidity at 5 layers CDR v001 ATOVS Daily Mean Global
HSH - Temperature and specific humidity at 6 pressure levels CDR v001 ATOVS Monthly Mean Global
HSH - Temperature and specific humidity at 6 pressure levels CDR v001 ATOVS Daily Mean Global
HTW - Vertically integrated water vapour CDR v001 ATOVS Monthly Mean Global
HTW - Vertically integrated water vapour CDR v001 ATOVS Daily Mean Global
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