List of products

Name / Details Version Data source Time Statistics Area
LEH - Latent and sensible heat fluxes LandFlux ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
LEH - Latent and sensible heat fluxes LandFlux ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Daily Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
LEH - Latent and sensible heat fluxes LandFlux ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean diurnal-cycle METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
LEH - Latent and sensible heat fluxes LandFlux ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Hourly Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
SRB - Surface radiation budget LandFlux ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Hourly Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
SRB - Surface radiation budget LandFlux ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Daily Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
SRB - Surface radiation budget LandFlux ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
SRB - Surface radiation budget LandFlux ed. 1.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean diurnal-cycle METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
CFC - Fractional cloud cover COMET ed. 2.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
CFC - Fractional cloud cover COMET ed. 2.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Daily Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
CFC - Fractional cloud cover COMET ed. 2.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean diurnal-cycle METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
CFC - Fractional cloud cover COMET ed. 2.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Hourly Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
LTP - Land Surface Temperature (physical model) SUMET ed. 2.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean diurnal-cycle METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
LTP - Land Surface Temperature (physical model) SUMET ed. 2.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Instantaneous (none) METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
PRE - Precipitation GIRAFE ed. 1.0 Infrared and Microwave Instruments on Polar and Geostationary Satellites Daily Mean Global
PRE - Precipitation GIRAFE ed. 1.0 Infrared and Microwave Instruments on Polar and Geostationary Satellites Monthly Mean Global
UTH - Upper Tropospheric Humidity CM SAF Upper Tropospheric Humidity ed. 2.0 Microwave Sounder on Polar Orbiting Satellites Daily Mean Global
UTH - Upper Tropospheric Humidity CM SAF Upper Tropospheric Humidity ed. 2.0 Microwave Sounder on Polar Orbiting Satellites Instantaneous (none) Global
CAL - Effective cloud albedo SARAH ed. 3.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Monthly Mean METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
CAL - Effective cloud albedo SARAH ed. 3.0 MVIRI/SEVIRI on METEOSAT Instantaneous (none) METEOSAT full disk (includes Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean)
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