Specification of time range

Please select the time range for your product order as well as your intended product format. Please be reminded that Climate Data Records are available as NetCDF only.
Furthermore you may decide between uniquely ordering (specification of time range necessary) and standing ordering, i.e. you will receive products on a daily/weekly/monthly basis created on the day before from today onwards until you cancel the standing order; the frequency of data delivery depends on the chosen time resolution of your product. Please note that Climate Data Records cannot be ordered continuously.

Please specify the time range

This product is available from 2004-02-01 to 2015-04-01 (12 GB).

Please choose your preferred product format:

 - Products will be provided in Network Common Data Format v4 (native).

Selected product

Product group:
Climate Data Records
Product family:
TOA Radiation from GERB/SEVIRI ed. 2.0
Product name:
TRS - Reflected solar radiative flux at top of atmosphere
METEOSAT disk (70S-70N, 70W-70E)
Temporal resolution:
Mean diurnal-cycle
Spatial resolution:
Latitude/longitude grid (0.1x0.1 degree)
Data source:
Temporal coverage:
2004-02-01 – 2015-04-01
Geographic coverage:
Latitude: -70.00° S to 70.00° N
Longitude: -70.00° W to 70.00° E
Citation / DOI:
Clerbaux, Nicolas; Urbain, Manon; Ipe, Alessandro; Baudrez, Edward; Velazquez-Blazquez, Almudena; Akkermans, Tom; Hollmann, Rainer; Fuchs, Petra; Selbach, Nathalie; Werscheck, Martin (2017): CM SAF TOA Radiation GERB/SEVIRI Data Record - Edition 2, Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring, DOI:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/TOA_GERB/V002, https://doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/TOA_GERB/V002.