Detailed data record information for ICDR SEVIRI Radiation

Here you find detailed information about a CM SAF data record and links to order the described products.


ICDR SEVIRI Radiation - based on SARAH-2 methods


Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF)

Publication year



Pfeifroth, Uwe; Trentmann, Jörg; Hollmann, Rainer; Selbach, Nathalie; Werscheck, Martin; Meirink, Jan Fokke


The Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR) SEVIRI Surface Solar Radiation Data Set based on SARAH-2 methods is a satellite-based data set of the solar surface irradiance (global radiation), the surface direct irradiance (direct horizontal and direct normalized) and the sunshine duration derived from satellite-observations of the visible channels of the SEVIRI instruments onboard the geostationary Meteosat satellites, that is designed to continously extend the SARAH-2 climate data record in time. The ICDR SEVIRI Radiation data covers the time period from 2018 onwards and covers the same region as SARAH-2 (±65° longitude and ±65° latitude). The products are available as monthly, daily means (monthly and daily sums for sunshine duration) and 30-min instantaneous data (global and direct radiation only) on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatial resolution of 0.05° x 0.05° degrees. The data record is complemented with a comprehensive documentation of the algorithms used and the generation of the data record. Validation report and user guidance are available as well.


NetCDF v4


Based on SARAH-2 methods

Temporal coverage

2018-01-01 - 2023-05-31

Geographic coverage

Latitude: -65.00° S to 65.00° N
Longitude: -65.00° W to 65.00° E


Related Data Records


The processing of this ICDR has stopped at the end of May 2023. The newest edition of the data record, SARAH-3, is available from here.

Data record details and ordering

This data record is superseded by a new version (see related data records). If you need access to products from this data record, please contact our User Help Desk (

Products from Meteorological satellite (METEOSAT)

Direct Normalised Irradiance (DNI)

  • Monthly mean,
  • Instantaneous,
  • Daily mean

Sunshine Duration (SDU)

  • Monthly sum,
  • Daily sum

Surface incoming direct radiation (SID)

  • Monthly mean,
  • Instantaneous,
  • Daily mean

Surface incoming shortwave radiation (SIS)

  • Monthly mean,
  • Instantaneous,
  • Daily mean