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Entry information for CLARA_AVHRR_V001
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CLARA-A1: CM SAF cLouds, Albedo and Radiation dataset from AVHRR data - Edition 1
Karlsson, Karl-Göran; Riihelä, Aku; Müller, Richard; Meirink, Jan Fokke; Sedlar, Joseph; Stengel, Martin; Lockhoff, Maarit; Trentmann, Jörg; Kaspar, Frank; Hollmann, Rainer; Wolters, Erwin (2012): CLARA-A1: CM SAF cLouds, Albedo and Radiation dataset from AVHRR data - Edition 1 - Monthly Means / Daily Means / Pentad Means / Monthly Histograms, Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring, DOI:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLARA_AVHRR/V001, [BibTeX entry]
Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF)
Publication year
Karlsson, Karl-Göran; Riihelä, Aku; Müller, Richard; Meirink, Jan Fokke; Sedlar, Joseph; Stengel, Martin; Lockhoff, Maarit; Trentmann, Jörg; Kaspar, Frank; Hollmann, Rainer; Wolters, Erwin
The CLARA-A1 dataset is a global dataset of cloud, surface albedo and surface radiation products derived from measurements of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) onboard the polar orbiting NOAA and Metop satellites. Monthly and daily mean products have been compiled over a time period of 28 years starting in 1982 and ending in 2009. Results are available for individual satellites as well as aggregated for all satellites. Results are provided on two types of grids: one global regular latitude-longitude grid with 0.25 degrees resolution and two equal-area grids covering the polar regions with 25 km resolution (products on the polar grids are restricted to cloud amount and surface albedo). Further extensions, e.g. single- and multi-parameter histograms, and subsets, e.g. daytime-only and night-time only results, are also included.
Temporal coverage
1982-01-01 - 2009-12-31
Geographic coverage
Latitude: -90.0° S to 90.0° N
Longitude: -180.0° W to 180.0° E
357 GiB
- Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) - GAC Surface Radiation, Edition 1
- Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) - AVHRR GAC Surface Albedo, Edition 1
- Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) - AVHRR GAC cloud products, Edition 1
- Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) - Cloud Physical Products AVHRR
- Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) - CM-SAF Product CM-15 and CM-16 Cloud Top (Temperature, Pressure, Height) from AVHRR
- Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) - Joint Cloud property Histogram products AVHRR / SEVIRI
- Product User Manual (PUM) - AVHRR GAC Surface Radiation Products, Edition 1
- Product User Manual (PUM) - AVHRR GAC Surface Albedo, Edition 1
- Product User Manual (PUM) - AVHRR GAC cloud products, Edition 1
- Validation Report - AVHRR GAC cloud products, Edition 1
- Validation Report - AVHRR GAC Surface Radiation, Edition 1
- Validation Report - AVHRR GAC Surface Albedo, Edition 1
Related publications
- Karlsson K.-G., Riihelä, A., Müller, R., Meirink, J. F., Sedlar, J., Stengel, M., Lockhoff, M., Trentmann, J., Kaspar, F., Hollmann R., Wolters, E.: CLARA-A1: the CM SAF cloud, albedo and radiation dataset from 28 yr of global AVHRR data, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 935-982, doi:10.5194/acpd-13-935-2013, 2013.
- Riihelä, A., Manninen, T., Laine, V., Andersson, K., and Kaspar, F., 2012, CLARA-SAL: a global 28-yr timeseries of Earth's black-sky surface albedo, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 12, 25573-25615, doi:10.5194/acpd-12-25573-2012.
Related Data Records
- An updated version of this data record is available from here: DOI:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/CLARA_AVHRR/V003.
Data record details and ordering
This data record is superseded by a new version (see related data records). If you need access to products from this data record, please contact our User Help Desk (
Products from Polar Orbiting Satellites (LEO)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud radiative effect lw (CFL)
- Monthly mean (Global)
Cloud radiative effect sw (CFS)
- Monthly mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Southern Polar Region),
- Monthly mean (Northern Polar Region),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Surface albedo (SAL)
- Pentad mean (Southern Polar Region),
- Pentad mean (Global),
- Pentad mean (Northern Polar Region),
- Monthly mean (Southern Polar Region),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly mean (Northern Polar Region)
Surface downward longwave radiation (SDL)
- Monthly mean (Global)
Surface incoming shortwave radiation (SIS)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Surface net longwave radiation (SNL)
- Monthly mean (Global)
Surface net shortwave radiation (SNS)
- Monthly mean (Global)
Surface outgoing longwave radiation (SOL)
- Monthly mean (Global)
Surface radiation budget (SRB)
- Monthly mean (Global)
Products from METOP A
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Products from NOAA POES 7 (NOAA-7)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Products from NOAA POES 9 (NOAA-9)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Products from NOAA POES 11 (NOAA-11)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Products from NOAA POES 12 (NOAA-12)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Products from NOAA POES 14 (NOAA-14)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Products from NOAA POES 15 (NOAA-15)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Products from NOAA POES 16 (NOAA-16)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Products from NOAA POES 17 (NOAA-17)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Products from NOAA POES 18 (NOAA-18)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Products from NOAA POES 19 (NOAA-19)
Cloud optical depth (COT)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud phase (CPH)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Cloud top parameters CTT, CTP and CTH (CTO)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Fractional cloud cover (CFC)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Ice water path (IWP)
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)
Joint cloud property histograms (JCH)
- Monthly histogram (Global)
Liquid water path (LWP)
- Monthly mean (Global),
- Monthly histogram (Global),
- Daily mean (Global)